
PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)

​​​The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 is a federal law that seeks to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual misconduct. This law applies to all federal and state prisons, jails, police lock-ups, private facilities, juvenile facilities, and community correctional settings. It established the requirement for Zero Tolerance for acts of Sexual Abuse or Harassment in all confinement facilities.

The law also required the creation of compliance standards with the goal of eliminating these acts. The WV Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (WVDOCR) is in compliance with these standards and fully investigates each allegation of sexual abuse or harassment, regardless of source, and refers appropriate cases to the WV State Police for criminal investigation. 

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

If you were the victim or know of a person who was a victim of sexual misconduct while in custody of WV Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation, you may report it to by calling 1-855-366-0015 or 304-352-4724. You may also email dcrprea@wv.gov.

In the case of email communications, please include the following:

  • Incident that occurred
  • Who was the victim
  • Who is the suspect
  • Time and date of sexual abuse
  • If requested, your anonymity will be protected.

PREA Audit Reports