
Victim Services

​​Helping to Empower and Restore Victims' Lives Impacted by Tragedy, Violence and Crisis.


The West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation is committed to the promise that crime victims are to be treated with respect, dignity, and sensitivity. We are committed to building a mutual understanding among victims, their families, community victim groups, and correctional staff while providing balance to the criminal justice system for victims of crime.


Carla Shirey, Victim Services Manager
1409 Greenbrier Street
Charleston, WV 25311
Phone: 304.558.2036, Ext. 24733
Fax: 304.558.5934

Services Provided

  • Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE)
  • Provide direct services and responses to concerns from crime victims and staff victims
  • Provide support and linkages to victim advocates
  • Information on parole hearings
  • Victim Services Representatives at each facility to assist victims attending parole hearings
  • Victim Safety Plans
  • Victim notification
  • Working with local, state, and national victim groups, prosecutors, and the WV Supervising Board to met the needs of victims and to hold offenders accountable for his/her behavior
  • Provide community education to increase awareness of victim issues
  • Provide education to WV Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation staff to increase awareness of victim issues
  • Linkage between parole officers and victims
  • Coordinate the development of standardized curriculum for staff victimization protocols and other victim programs
  • Assist victims at parole revocation hearing
  • Additional Victim Resources